Tag Archives: danah boyd

“parents are… hypocrites” – Young People and Social Media [Free Book!]

I absolutely loved this article from Fuller Youth Institute with Danah Boyd, a researcher at Microsoft and the current “reigning expert on how young people use the Internet.”

With quotes like “I… find that many parents hate when phones are seen as a disruption, but are completely unable to check their own practices around this. So many teens that I meet complain that their parents place restrictions on their technology use that they don’t abide by. Teens are fully aware of when their parents are being hypocrites. So my advice to parents is to start by collectively constructing household rules that *everyone* (parents and children) agree to. This is so much more productive when negotiated as a household, not top-down.” You know that the stuff is going to be dynamite.

I’ll try and review the book when I’ve read it!